Running On Empty Lately?
You’re an accomplished successful woman, a high-functioning multi-tasker, who can juggle A LOT.
You even make it look easy... work, relationships, even giving back. You’re a great mother, friend, partner, and you balance countless responsibilities. BRAVA!
You've managed to check off all the things on the worlds "this is what success looks like list". Â
But you're spinning like a top. Like a duck in the water: calm and cool on the surface, but those legs are going a hundred miles an hour!
Plus that overthinking/ worrying mind doesn't stop. So there's that too...
Deep down you know if you keep going like this you'll fall apart...time for something for YOU.Â
Yes Give Me Something For ME!Isn't It Time to Fill
Up Your Tank?Â
Of course you know this. But you also know you have no time.
This needs to be easy, not another thing on the never ending to to list!
I got you, Queen. I designed a 30-Minute Walking Transformation Meditation to revitalize, energize and fill up your tank – it's well-deserved space and time dedicated to YOU.
And let's be honest, you're walking/running already! This 30-Minute Walking Meditation fits right into your day.

Hi There, I'm Liz!
And I’m Here To Help You SLOW DOWN so that you can Access Your Inner Warrior!
You cannot change your life with old beliefs and patterns. Change happens when you have a solid roadmap and an expert guide. Joy, peace, and freedom, are all available to you no matter what your mind tells you.
I'll empower you to start trusting yourself again, fall in love with life again, and get back that little girl playfulness.
Let's Go for a 30-Minute Walk!As Seen In